Font Poster
Tasked with creating a poster for a font with some information on the font and who it was made by, I chose to do Futura with a bright blue and titling it the Font of the Future.
Cover Menu Print
Tasked with creating a menu for a high end restaurant I went with a clean and elegant feel. Using the logo to fill the front cover along with a simple Italian flag on the back.
Inside Menu Print
Tasked with creating a menu for a high end restaurant I went with a clean and elegant feel. Since the restaurant is Italian as well I highlighted the piece with a thin Italian flag along the top.
Book Cover
Tasked with creating a book cover of a limited choice of books, I chose to do City in Ruins and to highlight the financial issues in the book as well as one of the most prominent setting in the book the hotel.
Power 99 Spread
Creating a magazine spread of a radio station that we could choose, I chose Power 99 a pop and rap station and highlighted the idea of riding into the city.
Movie Poster
Tasked with creating a movie poster from a select amount of films, I chose to do Toy story and highlight a part of the film where Buzz first comes out of his box.